
8 Delicious Detox Smoothies for Weight loss – Recipes

We all love to be in shape, yet it feels so difficult to follow those strict diet charts, heavy workout and most of all to find the encouragement to follow long never-ending complicated diet plans.

All you are left with is your fat belly peeking out through shirts and dresses. So let’s discover some delicious detox smoothies that will help you lose weight promptly.


Image Credit – Pioneer Woman

1. Coconut and Mango Charcoal Smoothie – Okay So! Go into your kitchen and find these ingredients to make the smoothie, Coconut meat and water, Mango, turmeric and powder charcoal. Now, take the mango and chop it into cubes, not too small because you’re going to blend them in any way.

Then, take a blending jar and put in the diced mango cubes, some coconut water, coconut meat, which is great in making it smooth and tasty. And finally, add some turmeric and one teaspoon charcoal powder in it. Give a good shake and let all the ingredients get mixed correctly. Your coconut and mango charcoal smoothie is ready to drink.

And finally, add some turmeric and one teaspoon charcoal powder in it. Give a good shake and let all the ingredients get mixed correctly. Your coconut n mango charcoal smoothie is ready to drink.

2. Pineapple Charcoal Smoothie by Green Blender– It might sound a little time taking but such recipes always turn out to be delicious in taste.
All you have to do is get some baby kale(1 1/2), 4oz of pineapple, cut them nicely, half a tablespoon activated charcoal powder, one cup water, half a tablespoon coconut milk, and one or two ice cube(optional). Blend all this in a jar until you are satisfied with its consistency.

Don’t blend it too much and avoid sugar or any other type of artificial sweetener as well. And enjoy it. Pineapple contains those enzymes which that help assists weight loss.

3. Kiwi Charcoal Smoothie – Having a bright green color and an exotic taste, kiwifruit is known for improving digestive health, cleanse the toxin within the body and for sure helps weight loss.

Get the following thins to start with, 1 ½ oz baby kale, one kiwi nicely peeled and chopped, ½ inch ginger – peeled, one cup of water, half cucumber cut into pieces and half tablespoon activated charcoal.

Take all these into a blending jar and grind into a fine smooth shake. You will love it. Cashews are optional.

4. BlueBerry unique Charcoal Smoothie – Do you like blueberries? Then you will love the color of this shake too. Blueberries are popularly known for its rich nutritional value and how it helps to overcome the high sugar level.

Take 2oz of fresh blueberries, 4oz of pineapple, one cup water, half a tablespoon of activated charcoal, and 3oz of tomatoes. Take all these things into the jar and blend it till you find a smooth purple colored shake.

5. Ginger-Mint Detox Smoothie – Ginger is aromatic, spicy, and full of nutritional value. Ginger helps in eliminating the gastrointestinal trouble and also helps support the process of detoxification.

On the other hand, the mint had the highest antioxidant capacity and proved to be an instant relieve to most of the body pain occurrence as well. This one is epic and healthier.

One apple chopped, half a ginger peeled and chopped, half a cup water, some fresh mint leaves, two cucumbers and half tablespoon charcoal powder. Do remember not to add too much water in this.

Grind it to a smooth paste and take it out in a glass and enjoy it.

6. Carrot Charcoal Detox Smoothie – Carrot is recognized for its rich amount of the antioxidant nature. Being a good source of fiber and vitamins, carrots are proved to be effective for body shaping, vision, and cardio health.

Add one full carrot peeled and cut nicely, one apple peeled and chopped, and one cup of water. Do not put any sweetener or dry fruits to this shake.

7. Strawberry Detox Smoothie – Strawberry has a unique, addictive sweet taste, also helps in controlling sugar levels, cholesterol decreases the risk of heart problems.

You should take at least 5-7 fresh strawberries, half cup coconut milk, half cup water, and half a tablespoon of activated charcoal. Grind it into a smoothie and make sure there are no lumps left in it.

Being the most popular type of berry fruit, it is rich in protein benefits and has an anti-inflammatory nature.

8. Avocado Charcoal Smoothie – Coming to Avocado, it is becoming very popular all over the world, mainly used in salads and drinks. If we take a step and look into its nutritional value, we will observe it is filled with Vitamin A, E, and also decrease arthritis risks.

When it comes to detox, the avocado will help you the most in taking out all the waste toxic out of the body with the support of the activated charcoal and decrease excess body fat too.

Taking 4 or 5 avocado, one cup milk, two apples peeled and chopped, half cup water and half tablespoon activated charcoal. Blend it perfectly into a creamy paste. Make sure to drink this once a day and remember to put the activated charcoal powder only half a tablespoon, too much of this powder can result in constipation problem.

The activated charcoal is the main ingredient that does most of the job, and once you try it, you will admire its benefits and worth.

Conclusion: It is not just about having a nutritional drink every morning; it is about making your detoxing process even faster and better than before. These detox smoothies will surely help boost your detoxing and also lose weight.

Drinking a cleaner, greener, and a purified smoothie right in the morning will assist you to survive the whole day in an active mode, which is the result of so many vitamins, protein, and fiber-rich fruits you are putting in your magic drink.


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